The Johnny Sins Fleshlight Interview
Earlier this year, while out in Las Vegas, we were fortunate enough to sit down with world-renowned pornstar, Johnny Sins for a one-on-one Q&A. There we learned a little bit about his life outside of porn, including his tastes, interests, and personality quirks.
Check out the video below to watch our brief interview, or simply continue reading for a breakdown of this Fleshlight Q&A segment with one of the top male pornstars in the world today.
In case you decided to stick around to keep reading, here are 5 things we learned about the legendary pornstar during our Las Vegas interview earlier this year.
Johnny, what is your guilty pleasure?
“Doing porn. Even though it’s my job and I get to have all of the girls that I want.”
“It’s still porn." (laughter)
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
“I would say that I’m shy. Because I work in the adult industry and people see my videos and intros… people think I’m very outgoing, like an alpha male, but in reality, I’m kind of a loner, I’m kind of shy in my personal life.”
“I’m not the kind of guy that’s going to come up to you at a party and introduce myself. So, that’s one thing that people probably don’t know about me.”
What is something you can’t live without?
“My dogs.”
“I have two Pitbulls and they basically come everywhere with me. I travel with them and they’re just kind of my little homies. So, definitely my dogs.”
What is your favorite color?
“My favorite color, when I was growing up, was probably blue.”
“But, people say it’s probably what clothes you wear the most is probably your favorite color and I generally always wear black. So, black even though people say it’s not a real color.”
What superpower would you want?
“I would say the ability to change people’s minds and manipulate their thoughts into whatever I want them to do. And why, is obviously so that I can control people and have them do whatever I want.”
What’s your favorite TV show?
“Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of Shark Tank because of all the business ideas. But YouTube is my go-to for short 10-minute videos, vlogs, and stuff like that.”
We here at Fleshlight hope you’ve enjoyed this segment of Q&A with Johnny Sins. If you love him just as much as we do, make sure to treat yourself (or your partner) to his recently launched dildo.
Click here to check it out!